Thursday, June 11, 2020

This is how much the PlayStation 5 will cost

The PS5 is priced at

At 4 p.m. Eastern on Thursday, June 11, Sony aired its "The Future of Gaming Show." In it, they announced the price tag on the upcoming PlayStation 5. Price isn't everything when it comes to a new generation of console gaming, but it would be naive to think it isn't a factor.

For perspective, here are the previous PlayStation console generations' starting price points. The original PlayStation launched in 1995 at $299. PS2 in 2000 at $299 again. PS3 had two models launch in 2006, one at $499, the other at $599. And PS4 in 2013 reeled it in to $399. I'm sure Sony would love to get the uproarious crowd cheering it got at E3 2013 when it announced that stunningly low PS4 price.

In the Gaming Nexus Slack, we took a poll of our guesses, pre-show, as to where the PS5 would land price-wise. About 70 percent of us thought it would launch at $499, while the other 30 percent thought it would hit $599. It seems the PS3's generation seems to be informing our choices—or at least hitting accidental parity with those price tags—but it's more informed by inflation, Sony stating that it is struggling with the PS5's price due to costly parts, and maybe even a little bit of COVID-19 manufacture slowdown sneaking in there. As it turns out, the staffers guessing $_____ were on the money.

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