Thursday, August 27, 2020

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Remastered is out today

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Remastered has released today, and there are a ton of different options available if you want to experience Square Enix's multiplayer classic.

We are playing this one for review, but that will take a little bit longer, as Crystal Chronicles is complicated. You can buy the entire game on PS4, Nintendo Switch, on iOS or on Android via the Google Play Store. All of these versions have cross-play capability, via a shared friend code.

However, if you don't want to invest the cash, you can simply download the free "Lite" version on any of those platforms, which will allow you to play through the first three dungeons on your own or play through all 13 dungeons in the game, provided you are playing with someone that owns the entire game. So, if one of your buddies buys the title, you and two other friends can all play together through the whole thing so long as you play with your spendy friend. 

So, yeah. Complicated. We are going to be looking at all of these options and how they work together for our review, which you should expect sometime next week. In the meantime, here is a deeper look at the making of the game, released a few days ago. Enjoy!


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