Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Balan Wonderland free demo coming Jan 28th

If you saw our article on games we're most looking forward to for 2021, you may have noticed the gorgeous Balan Wonderland on my list. The game is set to release on March 26th, but SQUARE ENIX announced today that there will be a free demo available Thursday Jan. 28th, on PS5, PS4, Switch, Xbox Series X, Xbox One, and Steam. 

If you haven't read up much on the game yet, allow me to paint a quick word picture. The story takes place across 12 different worlds, each world acting as its own story and being comprised of several different acts. Within each of these acts, players will find costumes that will grant them unique capabilities and powers. Utilizing this varied approach, the demo aims to sample across the wide variety by allowing characters to play 2 acts and the boss battle of the first world, while also trying 1 act each of worlds 4 and 6. 

Along with being able to try out several different worlds, the demo will enable players to test out the local co-op mode. Co-op mode will enable players to combine their abilities and grant access to paths that are unavailable to solo players. 

If you want to know more about any of the worlds available in the demo keep reading below. 

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